Digital menu board for Multicuisine Restaurant

A Multicuisine Restaurant

A digital signage Menu Board
provides for many delightful choices

Digital menu board for outdoor stand

a Fast Food restaurant

Wait a minute ! Have a bite !
Your world will wait for you !

Digital menu board for a pizza shop

A Pizza Shop

Oh yes ! This appetizer will energise me
with the calories I need through digital signage

Digital menu board for wine bar

A Wine Bar

The Gourmet’s choice -
a bouquet of exquisite wines

Digital menu board for cofee shop

A Bakery restaurant

Wow !!
Can I pick two of these ?

Digital menu board for bekarry

a Coffee House

Just this
one cup makes my day !


Sign Menu offers you a platform to create digital display boards for your business using cloud-based custom templates and playlists feature.

A digital platform for “360deg.” Business promotion


With options of visual and audio-visual presentations, you can present your restaurant’s logo, brand name & offerings on the digital screen effectively.

  • A digital signage is visually compelling : it engages, entertains and informs
  • Videos on a digital screen create an awesome impact
  • Enables Multi-location management by a single admin
  • The most cost -effective media platform for the salon business
  • Easy installation & operations

Thousand's of menu board template

Excellent creatives
Conceived by professional designers

If you log on to SignMenu marketplace, you will see a wide spectrum of templates from the Gallery offered – all free of cost ! You may choose a template that best fits your marketing message . SignMenu also offers the facility of modifying, editing or altering the templates as per your requirement, and assist you online in publishing the content onto your digital screen. A little knowlege in HTML on your part ( or someone who does) would help upload the final design onto your digital screen.

Starting a new Digital Signage board?
We'll help you figure out your digital signage needs & budget

video integration

The following footage on a digital screen can tantalize anyone's taste buds, and will have a compelling impact on your potential target customers - it will attract, allure, appetize and entice them to check out your savory delicacies. And be rest assured. Your sales will zoom northwards quickly !

Your own video

Upload your own video

What you want

Scale your video as you want

Where you need

Place your video where you need

Video background

Use video background to make the board attractive


A playlist of your Berger shop enables a schedule ( or prioritisation) of the different types of Bergers which the digital screen will play one by one for your customers. Hence, you may highlight a special item on offer repeatedly or at select intervals, and the digital screen will showcase the same to your customers.

Choose board
From gallery

Choose menu board from the gallery

Frames easily

Rearrange your frames easily to your timeline

Set individual
Frame time

Set individual frame time to your playlist

Set transition
Effect & time

Set transition effect and time to your playlist

Special Features

Update menu board anytime and remotely | SignMenu

Update menu board anytime and remotely

Menu boards generally project a dynamic business. Items, services and graphics may need to be added or edited on a daily basis. Digital signage software helps you to do the needful. If , for example, you are away for a holiday  with your family in the Bahamas and your restaurant menu board in New York needs to be updated – this can easily be done through your computer .

Manage multiple menu board at different location | SignMenu

Manage multiple location

Another marvel of digital signage software. Multi-location  menu boards of shops/stores/restaurants can  be monitored by a single admin system . Assuming that you have done the modifications on the template saved in your computer, the single admin system updates the incremental change and uploads the same onto the display screen. Infact, Sign Menu’s “cloud based programme’ enables you to monitor & manage your multi-location digital screens without you even being physically present at the business sites.

No Hardware, No startup cost | SignMenu

No Hardware, No startup cost !

The best part of ditital signage technology is that it obviates the need for hardware. Or rather, it entails the use of minimum hardware – only by way  a Digital signage screen or a Smart Tv. Therefore, you do not need to invest in a media player.

Run your menu board without internet | SignMenu

Run without internet access

Digittal signage technology entails essentially a computer and a digital screen. If for any reason the internet service blanks out temporarily, the digital screen will keep running and can be monitored by the computer. Alternatively, a pen drive or a memory stick can also light up the digital screen with as much glittering effect.

How to use

A memory stick

Use your menu board through a memory stick

Full responsive

Use responsive HTML5 url for your menu board

With any
Signage player

Use your menu board through signage player

Social media

Use your menu board into social media

Starting a new Digital Signage board?
We'll help you figure out your digital signage needs & budget


Digital menu boards for restaurants
Digital menu boards for bars
Digital menu boards for coffee shops
Coffee shops
Digital menu boards for QSR
Quick service restaurants (QSR)
Digital menu boards for medical marijuana clinics
Medical marijuana clinics
Digital menu boards for hospitality service
Hospitality service
Digital menu boards for garage or car service
Digital menu boards for gym
Digital menu boards for real estate
Real estate
Digital menu boards for retail stores
Retail stores